GRRM Calendar Update

Just a quick update here for the curious. Earlier this month, Bantam notified me that my illustration work for a forthcoming George R. R. Martin calendar for A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE will be released as a 2012 calendar, not a 2011, as first announced. The good news is I’m cranking away on the…

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Here’s my final cover illustration for the forthcoming Pyr edition of Mark Chadbourn’s THE DARK AGE: BOOK 1 / THE DEVIL IN GREEN. It’s the first book of the trilogy that follows Chadbourn’s AGE OF MISRULE. The nice thing about THE DARK AGE is that the trilogy can be read as a standalone and doesn’t…

Dragon*Con 2010: Good News!

The folks at Dragon*Con have made the official 2010 Art Show announcement, so I can now share it here. Donato Giancola, Vincent Villafranca, and myself have been invited to be the Guest Jurors for the 2010 Dragon*Con Art Show. Feel free to spread the word: Dragon*Con is now accepting applications and images for their Art…